Evolution of Traditional Learning Towards E-learning

 When we are talking about evolution in education, we have vast differences, like online and traditional education. As we have seen in a pandemic, or we can say because of the pandemic, a new revolution has begun, known as online education. By looking at this, it has the power to change the old way of studying in traditional education methods. 

Here are a few points that will help you to understand how to evolve did education became before and after the pandemic period:

1) it has improved in terms of traveling.

 In the traditional form of education, students had to travel a long distance to attend classes but not anymore because of the online education system Students can sit at home and continue their classes.

2) In traditional ways,

 books are considered prime factors in studies. In this, we have to collect books and maintain notes, but not in online education, one phone or tablet is enough to continue your studies.

3) In traditional ways, 

there were fixed times when we had to join so we couldn't miss any classes, but not in the online system with the service like "do my online class," we can hire someone to attend class on our behalf, or we can also attend classes any time as per our schedule 24/7.

4) In the traditional method,

 there was PTM in which the teacher helped us to know our weak spots and our problems but in new ways. Just after the exam, we all get a detailed analysis and what we have to improve.

5) During exam time,

 we have to wait for our results to come but not in the online system, we can get an instant result which allows us to save lots of time. 

6) In offline classes, 

we have to sit in one place to study, which was entirely not possible because, after some time, it started to feel uncomfortable but not in a new form of education where we can sit and study as per our comfort in any place and in any position which is again our good advantage because it helps us to sit more and effectively for studies.

Here are 6 points that will help you to know how much and in which team education has evolved in such a short period which allows us to know more and help to imagine our future in the field of education. With this help, we can see the growth and changes we are seeing right now. It is a huge drastic change from school to room. 
